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Local Impact Alliance

Connect. Invest. Grow.


Giving Hope Spring Event

Giving Hope Spring Event

Giving Hope will be hosting a fun and educational March event.

Join us for a zoom PJ party on March 9th at 7pm

The charity chosen for this event will be Michigan Foster Care Closet.

The speaker will be from Michigan Foster Care Closet .

Please look for our invitation to this fun and educational event.




One of the best feelings in the world is giving. The positive energy is contagious.

With just one act of kindness, you can inspire others to go out and plant seeds of happiness through giving, too.

Your greatest gift is the ability to share your blessings; it’s what makes life meaningful.

Please GIVE generously on #GivingTuesday2021

Give the Gift of Comfort and Joy!


"'Tis the Season to Rock Ugly Sweaters"

"'Tis the Season to Rock Ugly Sweaters"


"'Tis the Season to Rock Ugly Sweaters" zoom session to be held on Wednesday December 8th at 7pm!

More "merry" details will follow soon!!

There will be raffles and prizes. The charity that we will raise money for that evening is Canton Goodfellows Inc .

Cheers to 15 Years

Cheers to 15 Years

Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle was founded in 2006.
At that time, a group of local women philanthropists came together to establish the organization and encourage other women to join in philanthropic giving. Their early efforts were focused on helping in the local community, reaching and assisting women, children, and their families in need. For 15 years, Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle has been accomplishing that objective and continues to develop women's philanthropy and meet needs through fundraising and grant making.
Gather to celebrate 15 years of Giving Hope!
The event will include:
-Gift Gathering for the Bottomless Toy Chest
-short business meeting
-pinning ceremony for members

Tickets are $35 and include plentiful appetizers and a champagne toast. Tickets must be purchased in advance.

Buy Tickets

Giving Hope Summer Social 2021

Giving Hope Summer Social 2021

The Advisory Board of Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle
Enthusiastically Invites YOU to attend our
In-Person Summer Social
Wednesday June 16th 6-8pm
on a beautiful and spacious, outdoor patio setting at Fox Hills Golf Course
As a special treat, one of our newest members,Kay Warnke, will be bringing a collection of her personally handmade
purses, totes, face masks and bags and has graciously offered to donate all sale proceeds to our "pass the purse" charity
Clean Love
The Clean Love Project is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to helping women and young girls feel clean, loved and empowered by distributing "Clean Love" hygiene kits to those who are homeless, live in poverty, or survivors of domestic violence. Most donations to shelters do not include feminine hygiene products, Clean Love kits do! These products help alleviate the stress that comes with a woman’s monthly cycle.
We hope that you will join us as we continue celebrating our 15th Anniversary of Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle
COST: $30.
Includes a glass of wine, prepackaged light dinner, snacks and dessert.
(Meal and wine selections may be made during payment and registration.)
 RSVP by June 7th 


Giving Green for Giving Hope

Giving Green for Giving Hope


Thank you to all who joined us for our March 10th event.

This event was to benefit the endowment fund of Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle.

The event featured a brief history of the GH endowment fund and how it makes it possible for the women of Giving Hope to accomplish our mission of helping local women, children and families in need.

Canton Community Foundation President Beth Meade explained the recent changes and the decision to partner with others to become the Local Impact Alliance.

Judges awarded two of our best dressed "lassies" special Irish libations. All attendees were entered into a drawing for gift cards to local shops and eateries - all donated by your GH Advisory Board Members.

Thanks to our generous sponsors and members, we were able to raise $

If you would like to give to the Giving Hope endowment fund, click here to be transferred to our donation page.

Giving a Harvest of Hope

Giving a Harvest of Hope

On Wednesday November 18th 2020 - Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle hosted a special Zoom event Giving a Harvest of Hope which benefitted Open Door Ministries.

Ladies who participated were treated to a special tour of the Open Door facilities by Founder Steve Darr! It was wonderful to see how Open Door operated and realize how much Hope they Give our community!

Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle is delighted to announce $1999 was raised to support the ongoing program.

Community Foundation Plymouth Events

Community Foundation Plymouth Events

The Community Foundation of Plymouth proudly granted out 23 scholarships to local students to assist with their academic futures.  The following video encompasses all of the scholarships awarded from the Community Foundation of Plymouth, the Canton Community Foundation, The Wilcox Foundation, and the Educational Excellence Foundation.  

Congratulations to the entire class of 2020.

Giving Hope Summer Social

Giving Hope Summer Social


 On June 17, 2020 Giving Hope held its virtual Summer Social.  Those who logged on enjoyed hearing from representatives of each organization Giving Hope granted to in 2020.  Our "Pass the Purse" raised $820 for our granting fund.

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