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Local Impact Alliance

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A great evening organized by PORCH volunteers

A great evening organized by PORCH volunteers

When people think of Christmas, they often think of giving gifts wrapped in pretty paper with a fancy bow; however, the most special gift you can give during holiday season, especially to a senior citizen, is the gift of your time.

What a wonderful way to start the Holiday season and the season of Giving by PORCH volunteers, they spent some time with senior residents in Canton making wreaths for Holidays.

The spirit of sharing and caring is purely visible on the smiling faces of our senior friends.

If you wish to volunteer as a PORCH friend and feel the joy of making someone smile, please fill out the application of PORCH.

It is a volunteer run service provided free of cost to the community 

Toy Drive - Westland Community Foundation

Toy Drive - Westland Community Foundation


Thursday, November 30th 

Westland City Hall

36300 Warren Rd., Westland, MI 48185

6:00 - 8:00 pm

Please bring an unwrapped toy to help the Westland Salvation Army provide Christmas gifts to local disadvantaged children.

A $5 doantion is encouraged.

No registration necessary - come when you can, leave when you must.

Questions? Contact the Community Foundation office at 734/495-1200.

Giving Hope Fall Charity Event

Giving Hope Fall Charity Event

News & Updates

Hello Circle Members,

Thank you to everyone who made time to attend our annual meeting and fall charity event last Wednesday evening. Rocky's did not disappoint, and we enjoyed dinner and time together.

During the business portion of the evening, I shared brief highlights from our past year, including four events and the Living and Learning Enrichment Center tour.

Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle truly has made an important impact on our local community in need, and we can all be very proud of our efforts.

Treasurer Denise Murray shared the latest financial statement with those in attendance. Our fund and endowments are strong and will enable us to continue our mission of Giving Hope to women, children, and families in need. 

It is also time to submit your annual dues, so please do so at your earliest convenience. You may send a check to the CCF/LIA office or use the QR code to make payment online. Thank you in advance.

I would like take this moment to thank Denise Murray for her years of service as the Giving Hope Women's Giving Circle Treasurer. It was a big job and Denise always did it professionally and thoroughly. We have been truly fortunate to have her share her time and talent keeping track of all our expenses, funds, dues, and related information. Many thanks again for a job well done!

Next, I had the honor of introducing and welcoming our newest Giving Hope "Circle" members Jill Dean, Margaret Currie, Rachelle Vartarian. Both Jill and Margaret were presented with their Giving Hope; Women's Giving Circle pins.

I am very proud to let everyone know our current membership count is 64!! Thank you for joining us ladies - the more the merrier and more "Hope" we can "Give" together! Keep telling your friends about Giving Hope and let's keep growing!

Next, Grants Committee Chair Jane Kerjes gave us detailed information about the many grants our Circle has provided to organizations over the years and during our most recent grant cycle.Since the creation of Giving Hope, we have given out over $190,000.00! That is certainly an amazing amount of money that has gone back into helping our local community! Most reently, $13,000 was granted to worthy organzations that applied grants during our yearly spring granting cycle.

They included:

  • Fleece and Thank you
  • St. Vincent de Paul /Journey to Housing
  • Partnership for the Arts & Humanities / Adapive Creative Expression program
  • Plymouth Canton Literacy Council
  • P-CCS Clothing Bank
  • Salvation Army Summer Day Camp Scholarship program

Many thanks to Jane and her dedicated committee for reviewing the applications and making these decisions. We should be proud knowing how much assistance we are providing for these organizations; helping them reach their goals. Well done!

During dessert Katie Montes, the director of Mary's Mantle, gave us a presentation about the charity and what does it does for the community. Mary's Mantle provides housing for homeless, pregnant women in crisis. They currently operate a home where they can house four ladies at a time. The women stay during their pregnancy and receive support services during and after the birth of their children. Mary's Mantle is hoping to grow its facilities and is currently researching local property for their needs. I invite you to look them up on the website to find out more about this great place and its people.

Thank you everyone who supported Mary's Mantle through our Pass the Purse. We raised over $1000. Great job, Ladies!!

The last item of business for the evening was to introduce and welcome the new Giving Hope, Wome's Giving Circle Advisory Board members! Our new Chairwoman is Karen Hanchett, and new Treasurer is Jackie Josey. Thank you, ladies for stepping up to serve in these important positions to ensure the future success and legacy of our Circle. The Advisory Board is still in need of at least two additional members to join the board. The roles of Vice Chir and Membership need to be filled. Please consider joining the board and being a part of this great group dedicated to directing and doing the important work of Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle!


Thank you!

I would like to say thank you to the Advisory Board and all the members of Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle to honor and opportunity to work with you and over these past years. I was nervous about becoming Chairwoman but all of you made the experience a wonderful learning opportunity on so many unexpected levels - the one I will always treasure!

From our first and greatly productive board meetings, to the necessary online meetings and zoom event gatherings, to my silly event videos, to our back to in-person gatherings....and all those moments in between; it has been a blast!! Best of all, we made our Circle bigger and stonger together. And that is truly something to be proud of!

I also want to express my deep and sincere gratitude to our wonderful CCF/LIA support staff - Beth Meade, Darice Schubatis and Mili Tandon - for their support and assistance covering all our GH, WGC adminstrative needs. We really couldn't do any great work of Giving Hope without them!

In closing , I give my most sincere and heartfelt thanks to you all and my very best wishes for our amazing organization Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle! May it continue to succeed in its mission of assisting women, children and families in our local community and grow in its potential to gather and cultivate a strong circle of women philanthropists! Together we can reach these goals and Give Hope to all!

Linda Demmer

Former Chairwoman of Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle

Image Gallery

View the embedded image gallery online at:
PORCH Gathering

PORCH Gathering

PORCH Volunteers spent a great evening with senior community residents.
The volunteers baked cookies, took farm fresh vegetables to enjoy with senior friends.
A game of BINGO was enjoyed by all!
To learn more about PORCH and become volunteer, please click on the link.
PORCH is a program offered by Local Impact Alliance Free to the community.

Image Gallery

View the embedded image gallery online at:
PORCH September Gathering

PORCH September Gathering

PORCH volunteer visit 9-12-23
PORCH Volunteers are going to Canton Place to visit their Senior Friends and have an evening of conversation, meeting and chatting!
PORCH is a volunteer program offering it's services in Canton free of cost to the community.
PORCH recruits volunteers 18 years and older who are able to donate their time and connect with people who are socially isolated or feeling lonely.
Findings of a need assessment conducted in Canton identified social isolation and loneliness faced by seniors as number 1 issue in the community.
PORCH was created to combat the problem of social isolation and loneliness.
If you want to be part of this program please fill out an application. A background check and a volunteer training is all that is needed, both provided by organization.
Christmas in August

Christmas in August

Christmas in August!!!
Westland Community Foundation presents an evening filled with friends, fun, food, drinks and great memories with music!
Come one and come all!
Don't miss this opportunity to support your local community.
Due to power outage after storms Christmas in July is rescheduled "Christmas in August"
Wednesday, 2nd August 2023 6 - 9 pm
Hellenic Cultural Center
36375 Joy Rd., Westland MI 48185
Tickets - $75 (Individual)
            - $ 550 (Sponsor a Table)
Please bring a non perishable food item to support Westland Salvation Army.
For sponsorship and tickets.
Tickets Click Here
Sponsorship Click Here
Westland Community Foundation, part of Local Impact Alliance is working to make lives better for citizens of Westland.
Please spread the word.
Postponed- Christmas in July

Postponed- Christmas in July

Event Rescheduled!!!!
Due to Power Outage from Storms Christmas in July is rescheduled for - AUGUST 2nd.
Please note the date, other details are same
Wednesday, 2nd August 2023 6 - 9 pm
Hellenic Cultural Center
36375 Joy Rd., Westland MI 48185
Tickets - $75 (Individual)
            - $ 550 (Sponsor a Table)
We still look forward to getting together, Santa gave us another week to buy tickets!!!
Christmas in July

Christmas in July

Westland Community Foundation, part of Local Impact Alliance presents Christmas in July as a Fundraiser for Westland Community Fund.
In 1996, the Westland Community Foundation was founded to enhance Westland's civic, educational, and cultural communities.
To date, the Westland Community Foundation has distributed over $1,000,000 in funds (includes matching funds) to organizations in Westland such as:
- Family Resource Center Empty Bowls Program to feed the needy
- Lincoln-Jefferson School Health Clinic which provides basic health services to underprivileged students and their families
- Respite Relief who provides short-term care to families of autistic adults and children
- Wayne Westland Salvation Army summer camp program, food bank and toys at Christmas time
- Westland Community Foundation scholarship program for Westland students with a financial need
- Inspire Theatre which provides culture to the young and adults in the community
- John Glenn High School Planetarium renovations
- Champions of John Glenn which is a program that encourages student to improve their grade point average and in return they will receive $200 per semester for their achievement if it is made.
The Westland Community Foundation has touched many other programs and it could not be possible without the help and generosity of Westland residents, friends, volunteers, business leaders, and businesses within our community.
Wednesday, 26th July 2023 6 - 9 pm
Hellenic Cultural Center
36375 Joy Rd., Westland MI 48185
Tickets - $75 (Individual)
             - $ 550 (Sponsor a Table)
For Sponsorship opportunities please Click Here
To buy tickets/tables please Click Here
Call B Meade 734-495-1200 for tickets and sponsorship opportunities.
We ask that each guest bring a non-perishable food item to support the Westland Salvation Army's food bank.
An evening of great music, food, drinks and friends!
31st Annual Jack Demmer Ford Golf Outing benefitting Canton Police Benevolent Fund

31st Annual Jack Demmer Ford Golf Outing benefitting Canton Police Benevolent Fund

Thank you for making our 31st Annual Jack Demmer Ford Golf Outing benefitting Canton Police Benevolent Fund successful!
The 31st AnnualGolf Outing hosted by Canton Community Foundation to benefit Canton Police Benevolent Fund is in the books and what a great day it was! We could not have asked for more perfect weather, the sun came out of hiding and shone on all the golfers that day at Fox Hills Golf & Banquet.
As always, we had the best group of participants, sponsors and staff and volunteers on behalf Canton Community Foundation, we would like to thank all of you for your support in making this years’ Outing a success. There were so many fun times shared, relationships formed, and unforgettable memories made.
Thank you again and we already can’t wait until next year, hope to see you there!
Picture credits - Ann Marie Graham Hudak & Mili Tandon
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