Interested in helping the environment and beautifying your yard? Why not plant a wildflower garden? Native wildflowers can provide beneficial habitats for pollinators like butterflies, bees, moths, birds and other insects. They are beautiful, beneficial and easy to maintain.
Although pollinators are a critical part of our food system and the cornerstone of many ecosystems, they are in trouble. For the last two decades, pollinators have been under serious threat from habitat loss, climate change and pesticide use.
One of the very best, and easiest, things you can do to help pollinators is to plant a wildflower garden at your own home. These wildflower gardens not only provide new habitats for pollinators to thrive, they brighten up your yard, and reduce yard maintenance costs.
Join us on Wednesday, October 11, at 11:30 am to learn how to create your own pollinator garden with step-by-step instructions to make your DIY wildflower planting a success!