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Local Impact Alliance

Connect. Invest. Grow.


The organizations of the Local Impact Alliance are working hard for all of the communities of Western Wayne County. Below is just a sampling of the latest news from the nonprofits and groups under the LIA umbrella.

Canton Cares Sponsor a Senior

Canton Cares Sponsor a Senior

Sponsor a Senior for $130.

You can help a low income older adult in our community stay physically active and improve their mental health by providing them access to 3 month fitness membership to the  Summit on the park. 

Make a difference right in your backyard and help a senior.

Click to support a senior 

Make a Difference with $100 and help a neighbor

Make a Difference with $100 and help a neighbor

Help a Neighbor who has undergone adversity. 

With $100  donation to Canton Cares Fund, you can really make a difference in someone's life.

This fund was created to help groups in the community, including seniors, veterans, youth, special needs and residents struggling with basic human needs. 

Click to  Sponsor a Neighbor 


Community Foundation of Plymouth makes a significant donation for Mental Health Research

Community Foundation of Plymouth makes a significant donation for Mental Health Research

The gift from the Anthony G. Sclabassi Memorial Fund will provide philanthropic support of mental health programs at the University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry. A majority of the funds are ultimately going to be used to support innovative research in the prevention and treatment of depression, bipolar and other mood disorders and will be leveraged into bigger grant dollars.  Additional funds will be used to support the Psychiatry Education and Outreach Gift Fund which will allow for educational programming and outreach for patients and their families, community members, students, educators, health care providers and others touched by mental illness and addiction disorders in an effort to spread awareness and reduce stigma associated with mental illness.

Additional resources can be found on website: https://medicine.umich.edu/dept/psychiatry/michigan-psychiatry-resources-covid-19

Donate to Help in your Community

Donate to Help in your Community


The Canton Cares Fund provides financial support for Canton Township-sponsored programs assisting seniors, veterans, youths and persons with disabilities. It also includes programs assisting Canton residents following natural disaster, mass casualty or significant personal loss, and programs recognizing heroic or "above-and-beyond the call of duty" acts of township employees.

Click here to donate to Canton Cares Fund and help your community.


A New Way to Donate

A New Way to Donate

 Have an older vehicle that you are considering donating to a cause?

Now you can donate that vehicle to the Foundation and designate it for either the general operating fund or any of the funds managed by the Foundation.

We have partnered with CARS to make donating a vehicle easy.

CARS takes care of everything from the pick-up and sale to sending you the donation receipt and necessary tax documents. CARS is committed to treating every vehicle donor with gratitude and great service while delivering the highest possible returns to the Foundation. To date, CARS has returned more than $300 million to their nonprofit partners.

click here to learn more about how to donate.

Please call Beth Meade at 734-495-1200 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get more details.

A  New Way to Donate

A New Way to Donate

 Have an older vehicle that you are considering donating to a cause?

Now you can donate that vehicle to the Foundation and designate it for either the general operating fund or any of the funds managed by the Foundation.

We have partnered with CARS to make donating a vehicle easy.

CARS takes care of everything from the pick-up and sale to sending you the donation receipt and necessary tax documents. CARS is committed to treating every vehicle donor with gratitude and great service while delivering the highest possible returns to the Foundation. To date, CARS has returned more than $300 million to their nonprofit partners.

click here to learn more about how to donate.

Please call Beth Meade at 734-495-1200 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get more details.

Giving Hope 2022 Grant Application Now Open

Giving Hope 2022 Grant Application Now Open

Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle efforts are focused on helping in the local community, reaching and assisting women, children, and their families in need. For 15 years, Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle has been accomplishing that objective and continues to develop women's philanthropy and meet needs through fundraising and grant making.

Since 2006, the members and patrons have made it possible to grant more than $100,000 to local organizations that serve women and families in need.

The deadline to submit application is April 18, 2022 by 5 pm. Organizations submitting an application must be focused on providing assistance to women and families in Western Wayne County.

If you have questions with application process please contact Beth at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 734-495-1200.

If you have questions about Grants in general, please contact Jane Kersjes This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Grants will only be awarded to qualifying 501(c)3 organizations serving women and children in Western Wayne County.

Giving Hope Grant Making Principles:
 - To benefit women and their families.
 - To encourage programs which are collaborative, comprehensive and have the potential to be continuous.
 - To encourage leveraging and matching grant opportunities from multiple funders.
 - To support "seed" money opportunities for innovative projects.
 - To encourage the self-sufficiency and well-being of women and their families.

Applicant Organization Criteria:
 - Must be a nonprofit 501(c)3 with a current State of Michigan license to solicit, if applicable.
 - Must meet the mission of Giving Hope.
 - Must have a specific project or program for which the funding is being requested.
 - Must have clear objectives.

What Giving Hope Will (Generally) Not Fund:
While Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle remains flexible in trying to meet community needs, the following are areas that will generally not be considered for funding at this time:
 - Routine operating expenses
 - Travel, tours or trips
 - Endowment campaigns
 - Special fundraising events and sponsorships
 - Organizations that do not provide services to the greater Canton and Plymouth, Michigan area
 - Religious organizations for religious purposes or political organizations
 - Existing obligations or debts/liabilities
 - Individuals
 - Issues that divide us, not unite us

Please complete all sections before submitting application.

Please click here to fill the application.


Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle Members!

Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle Members!

Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle is proud to present the final tribute to inspirational women as we recognize and celebrate Women's History Month. This week we remember all the Giving and Hope accomplished by our own


It is my great pleasure and honor to acknowledge all the women of Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle for their commitment to growing the local community of women philanthropists and to thank them for their continued support of the organization's efforts to help women, children, and their families in our communities! Giving Hope has been accomplishing these goals since 2006 and we all can be proud of and share our very own history of Giving Hope! Thank you, Ladies, and let's continue our wonderful work of Giving Hope together!

Thank You Giving Green Business Donors

Thank You Giving Green Business Donors

Thank You Giving Green Business Donors 


The advisory board of Giving Hope, Women’s Giving Circle is grateful to the following local  business owners for their support of our endowment fundraising initiative Giving Green for Giving Hope! 

The generosity of these businesses is an exceptional gift, considering the difficulties they faced during the 2020 Covid lockdowns. 

We "Hope" our members will consider patronizing these donors and return the gift of “Giving Hope” to their businesses. 

Our sincere appreciation and deepest thanks again!


Linda J. Demmer

Chair of Giving Hope, Women’s Giving Circle


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