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Local Impact Alliance

Connect. Invest. Grow.


The organizations of the Local Impact Alliance are working hard for all of the communities of Western Wayne County. Below is just a sampling of the latest news from the nonprofits and groups under the LIA umbrella.

Healthy Youth and Healthy Senior Fund Awards Grants

Healthy Youth and Healthy Senior Fund Awards Grants

Canton Community Foundation and affiliate of Local Impact Alliance awards grants from Healthy Youth and Healthy Senior Fund.

Since 1989, the Canton Community Foundation has helped to enhance philanthropy in Canton Township and the surrounding communities of Western Wayne County.

In 2000, as a result of a national tobacco settlement, Canton Community Foundation was among 65 community foundations in Michigan to receive an allocation of funds to aid community efforts that support healthy youth and healthy seniors.

Here is the list of Grants awarded to very deserving Non Profits in our Community.

1. Partnership for Arts & Humanities - $2,000 Adaptive Creative Expression. To launch new adaptive arts and movement-based programming at the Village Arts Factory for a youth demographic that has been widely and historically underserved and will benefit from opportunities to explore and build new skills (communication, fine/gross motor, etc.,) while forming important social connections and meaningful ties to the community.

2. Rainbow Connection - $2,000 Special Response for Canton Wish Families. The program will assist wish families who have unexpected financial burdens coinciding with having to care for a child in a critical condition. Along with IMMEDIATE relief in the areas of groceries, gas, car repairs, rent/mortgage, utilities, furniture, clothing, funeral expenses, and other emergent needs.

3. Miracle League of Plymouth - $3,500 Winter Holiday Party an indoor event, fully catered, for all the special needs families (including mothers and all children within those families)

4. New Hope Center for Grief Support- $5,000 New Hope plans to expand School-Based Grief Program in the Plymouth-Canton Community School District. It currently offers the program at the four Plymouth-Canton High Schools (Plymouth, Canton, Salem, and Starkweather). District leadership values New Hope’s program and wants to gradually expand across all the elementary and middle schools (19 schools).

Red, White & Blue --& You!

Red, White & Blue --& You!

Giving Hope, Women’s Giving Circle June 14th Summer Social

Red, White & Blue --& You!

Our Summer Social celebrated Flag Day and supported the new VA Women’s Health Center. We had the privilege of listening to Rt. Brig. General Carol Ann Fausone and Cheryl Allen, manager of VA Women’s Health Center of Ann Arbor share their passion and concern for our women veterans and their specific health issues.

Rt. Brig. General Carol Ann has served our country for over 40 years as a US Air Force and National Guard Medical officer. Currently, she works at Legal Help for Veterans as the CFO (chief fix-it officer), helping to secure VA benefits for our veterans. She, along with her husband, has authored several veterans’ books. She generously donated several books which were part of our summer social drawing.

Through your generous donations Giving Hope was able to raise $ 1780 to help support the new VA Women’s Health Center along with the vital programs focused on women veterans. Your generosity will make a meaningful difference in the lives of our women veterans. Thank you so much for your generosity.

Our Giving Hope Summer Social was a time for enjoying friendships with women who share a passion for making a difference in our community. Our attendees indulged in a picnic-themed Summertime Grill Buffet at The Spoon’s Place in Canton, followed up with apple pie and brownies for dessert.

Special Thank you to Linda Demmer, who contacted Rt. Brig. General Carol Ann Fausone as our speaker for this event. She also donated the US Flag and patriotic basket for our drawing.

Thank you to The Spoons Place & staff for the hospitality.

As always thank you to our Special Events Committee who work to set up & clean up.

Thank you for being part of Giving Hope, Women’s Giving Circle!

Raeann Neil

Special Events Chair


Upcoming events:

Keep a look out for information on a small group event at Living & Learning Center in September.

Our next event is our Annual Business Meeting on Oct 18th at Rocky’s.

Mark your calendar for our Dixboro shopping event Nov 29th.

Congratulations to the Class of 2023 Scholarship Winners!

Congratulations to the Class of 2023 Scholarship Winners!

We're proud to support our community's students and their educational endeavors by offering numerous scholarships. Our program includes financial aid opportunities for students of all ages who are at different stages in their educational pursuits, as well as a number of different areas of study.

Our online scholarship application opens in early January and remains open until mid-March.  Scholarships recipients are notified in May; and funds are sent directly to schools for the fall semester.

A description of each scholarship offered through the Community Foundation of Plymouth can be found here.

Westland Community Foundation Schoarships
Scholarship Winner
Westland Community Scholarship Fund Madison Inman
  Erica Maladecki
  Evan Ortell
  Stephen Rudzki
  David Washington
  Buster Wurm
Congratulations to Class of 2023 Scholarship Winners!

Congratulations to Class of 2023 Scholarship Winners!

We're proud to support our community's students and their educational endeavors by offering numerous scholarships. Our program includes financial aid opportunities for students of all ages who are at different stages in their educational pursuits, as well as a number of different areas of study. 

Our online scholarship application opens in early January and remains open until mid-March.  Scholarships recipients are notified in May; and funds are sent directly to schools for the fall semester.
We are pleased to announce the winners of 2023 Scholarships.
Community Foundation of Plymouth Schoarships
Scholarship Winner
Erin Ryan/ Kiwanis Scholarship Sailsh Saravanan
Community Foundation Credit Union/George Lawton Scholarship Kavya Keshavamurthy
  Evan Adamski
  John Buss
  Paolo Belleza
  Issac Hopp
  Lucas Ealy
  Simon Bloomfield
  Sarah Cromwell
  Brody Appelgren
  Grace Koski
  Aryan Shah
  John Leyden
  Nicole Variot
Community Financial Credit Union/Margaret Dunning Dora Koski
  Sophie Aheimer
  Grace Fernandes
  Jacob Book
  Jayden Joy
Community Financial Credit Union/Trade Nathan Baker
  Brenna Laing
  Sean Lake
Community Foundation Credit Union/Ron Carlson Ariel Ooms
  Jack Riordan
Dul Foundation Scholarship Alexandra Clemens
  Marwa Dalmi
  Catelyn Grenke
  Michael Snow 
Congratulations to Class of 2023 Scholarship Winners!

Congratulations to Class of 2023 Scholarship Winners!

We're proud to support our community's students and their educational endeavors by offering numerous scholarships. Our program includes financial aid opportunities for students of all ages who are at different stages in their educational pursuits, as well as a number of different areas of study.

Our online scholarship application opens in early January and remains open until mid-March.  Scholarships recipients are notified in late April; and funds are sent directly to schools for the fall semester.

Scholarship Winner
Barbara Church Rodenberg Scholarship

Paolo Belleza

Barbara Ann Romano

Jibraan Rehman

Canton Soccer Club

Rohan Parikh

  Yara El-Sheikh
  Rory Brown
  Trevor Hammond
  Zoe Rumphr
  Lindsay Allen
Fred Thomann Memorial Scholarship

Grace Koski

Elizabeth Durack Scholarship Audrey Monroy
  Coryn Smith
Marvin Schulz Memorial Scholarship - U/M

Mariella Ma

Marvin Schulz Memorial Scholarship - EMU

Ariel Ooms

Meredith Whalen Memorial Scholarship

Alayna Barritt

Jack Demmer Ford Scholarship

Lindsy Springer

Jack Demmer Ford - "Trade"

Austin Carpenter

CCF/Penelope Hope Klei

Perrin Renaldi

Heather Nicole Hill Memorial Scholarship Eden Ericson
Canton Police Benevolence Scholarship Fund Lucas Ealy
Canton Historical Society Kavya Keshavamurthy
R K Bhama MD Memorial Scholarship

Julia Salloum

Bonnie Berg Memorail Scholarship

Jeremiah Waldorn

Hagbard Berg Memorial Scholarship

Jibraan Rahman

John Kelly Wheately Scholarship 

Delaney Morrin

Robert Loyd Memorial Scholarship Estrella Flores

Ryan Cox

Livonia Firefighters Scholarship Emma Apap
  Ryland Hughes
Eve Grigg Memorial Scholarship Callie Engler
  Katelyn Meinhold
Marjorie & Doanld Treadwell Scholarship Reagan Quinn
Lead Like a Girl Scholarship Cecilia Bermudez
Linda Hutchinson Memorial Scholarship Fund Alex Kravetz
Waltonwood - Cherry Hill Scholarship Fund Renee Burgess
  Madeline Finamore

Patricia Maurer created this scholarship fund in memory of her son, Jason Russell Maurer. These scholarships are available to graduating high school seniors and those who just completed their freshman year of college and who attend Woodside Bible Church - Troy Campus. This scholarship requires that the applicant attend Woodside Bible Church regularly and have documented community service. Scholarships may be awarded to those attending any college, university or trade school.

The list of awardees is below

Jason Russell Maurer Memorial Scholarship Madelyn Axe
  Carson Bendert
  Asa Cengeri
  Alexis Donnan
  Annie Fisher
  Kyler Gerrard
  Ian Hamminga
  Lauren Head
  Kirsten Hewines
  Grant Jeffires
  Caitlin Luca
  Hailey Nichols
  Paige Perry
  Gracelyn Philip
  Chole Putnam
  Emma Sawdon
  Andrew Schmidt
  Olivia Seventko
  Miranda Solecki
  Mason Solecki
  Miranda Solecki
  Luke Sumner
  Lilian Tasich
  Taylor Trenta
  Lordina Twum
  Sophia Walker
  Olivia Weaver
  Kaitlyn Weiss
Great 1st Charity Outing hosted by Westland Community Foundation in partnership with Westland Chamber of Commerce

Great 1st Charity Outing hosted by Westland Community Foundation in partnership with Westland Chamber of Commerce

Spring had a perfect day in store for Westland Community Foundation's 1st charity golf outing. 

The outing was held on May 18th 2023 at Fox Hills Golf and Banquet center. The golfers enjoyed smooth check in and breakfast with Jim Godbout, Chair Westland Community Foundation and other trustees. President/CEO of Westland Community Foundation, part of Local Impact Alliance and Kiersten Beckwith, President Westland Chamber of Commerce welcomed the golfers. After a good day of Golf, golfers enjoyed the dinner and awards presentation.

Picture credits - Kiersten Beckwith & Mili Tandon


Giving Hope - Bubbly Bingo and Bling event update

Giving Hope - Bubbly Bingo and Bling event update

Giving Hope; Women’s Giving Circle

Vol.17 3rd edition

Hello Members and Friends! I am overwhelmed with gratitude as I write to you today! I want to express my most sincere thanks to everyone who attended our Bubbly, Bingo and Bling event supporting MOD Market on March 22!

We had 72 ladies register to attend and join us in our efforts to continue to “Give Hope” to this wondeful organization! The night was filled with fun: shopping, sipping and socializing! And what a treat for all of us to see our Giving Hope; Women’s Giving Circle Grant funds put into action in the soap making shop!! The MOD Market shop made almost $2,000 in sales that evening and there were additional donations made through Pass the Purse! If you missed the opportunity to donate during all the fun, the link to make a donation through Pass the Purse will remain active until Friday, March 31st.

We were also honored to welcome 3 new members to the Circle: Carole Allard, Jackie Jossey and Janet Brady. We are so glad you are part of our community of women philantropists!! If any other of you are interested in joining Giving Hope; Women’s Giving Circle or would just like more information, you may use the second code below to become a member or get better acquainted with our organization and mission!!

Planning ahead- we invite you to save the date for our next big event: A Red, White, Blue and YOU inside Summer Social picnic – June 14th at Spoons in Canton! Our event special guest speaker will be Retired Brigadier General Carol Ann Fausone and GH;WGC will be accepting Pass the Purse donations to support a Women’s Veterans program. Please watch for additional details coming by invitation in May!

Lastly, many Thanks to our Special Events Committee- Raeann Neil Chairwoman, for their tremendous efforts in coordinating our Bubbly, Bingo and Bling event- Red, White, Blue and You is sure to be as much fun!!

My sincere thanks again and very best wishes for warmer and many happy days this Spring!!

Linda Demmer

Giving Hope; Women’s Giving Circle Advisory Board Chairwoman

Image Gallery

View the embedded image gallery online at:
Road Rally Fundraiser 2023 for Canton Cares Fund

Road Rally Fundraiser 2023 for Canton Cares Fund

Fundraiser For The Canton Cares Fund Load up the car and solve the puzzles, riddles, and clues that will take you all around town!

All proceeds from the event will benefit the Canton Cares Fund, which assists Canton residents in need, including but not limited to, at-risk youth, seniors, those with disabilities, or individuals who are struggling after a natural disaster or significant personal loss. The Canton Cares Fund, part of the Canton Community Foundation since 2018, has distributed over $30,000 to those in need. Funds are raised exclusively from individual and business donations.

WHEN:  Saturday, May 20 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. 

WHERE: Start & Finish at the Summit on the Park 46000 Summit Parkway in Canton

REGISTRATION: $20 per person or $100 per car (5 or more players) Includes a pizza, salad, bread sticks dinner. Registration begins April 1 online at www.localimpactalliance.org

Register Here




24-HOUR APP-A-THON hosted by Canton Township
Come up with ideas on how Canton residents can be served. Come up with a presentation, app, website, idea that addresses a particular need of Canton’s citizens. You can envision how your suggestion would benefit their lives in the near future.
For example, can your project address water/air quality issues? Is there something that could help in a post-Covid world? In your write up or video, give us a clear, concise description of your vision. Happy Inventing!
Powerpoint on app description
Website creation or powerpoint presentation on website
Marketing campaigns
Presentation on other ways to serve residents
Define problem statement and how you will address it for entry
May 6
- 10 am: Arrive at app-a-thon and form teams by noon
- Noon: Kick off
May 7
- Noon: Judging - 5 minutes per team presenting their projects
- 1 pm: Final results
--Overall Best
--To the Moon (most ambitious)
--Make It So (most realistic and immediately usable)
--Geeking Out (best technical innovations)
--Fan Favorite (voted by participants live during judging)
Final Presentation to the Board and community at a Board Meeting
Apply for APP-A-THON
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