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Local Impact Alliance

Connect. Invest. Grow.



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The organizations of the Local Impact Alliance are working hard for all of the communities of Western Wayne County. Below is just a sampling of the latest news from the nonprofits and groups under the LIA umbrella.

Local Impact Alliance Annual Report 2023

Local Impact Alliance Annual Report 2023

Working with you to Make an Impact Locally
Please take a moment and read our Annual Report, we are happy to report that the state of our Alliance (LIA), with our family of foundations and funds is very strong and we are energized and moving forward with new initiatives, helping our local communities thrive.
We continue to be an important pillar for our regional communities and have been able to grow in our purpose and capacity over the years.
Because of your generosity and support the Local Impact Alliance and it's affiliates celebrated a historic year of giving and grantmaking. 
Gifts to Alliance during the 2023 totaled in over 2 million dollars!!
The Alliance awarded nearly $1.65 million in grants and $157,000 in scholarships.
Thank you to each and every one of you and let's continue to  make an impact in 2024.
Please click on the link to read the 2023_LIA_Annual_Report-.pdf
Scholarship Application 2024

Scholarship Application 2024

Attention Students!

2024 Scholarship Applications are now OPEN

The 2024 Scholarship Applications for all scholarship funds managed through the Local Impact Alliance are now open. The applications will remain open until March 15, 2024.

We're proud to support our community's students and their educational endeavors by offering numerous scholarships. Our program includes financial aid opportunities for students of all ages who are at different stages in their educational pursuits, as well as a number of different areas of study.

Scholarships recipients will be notified in late April; and funds will be sent directly to schools for the fall semester.

To read the description of scholarships please click on the link below.



Click on the link below to be transferred to our scholarship applications.

Welcome New Board Members - Canton Community Foundation

Welcome New Board Members - Canton Community Foundation

Local Impact Alliance is pleased to announce the appointment of two new board members, Nidhi Puri and Bryan Regner.
They started their new terms from new year.
The Local Impact Alliance comprises three Community Foundations, Canton Community Foundation, Community Foundation Of Plymouth, Westland Community Foundation, a Women’s Giving Circle, Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle, Community programs PORCH which addresses the issues of social isolation and loneliness and Future Fit a talent pipeline for local students and business in community, nonprofit Eagles for Children which raises funds to support local children's charities which benefits disadvantaged children.
The Local Impact Alliance was formed to strengthen and promote organized philanthropy in the Western Wayne area, particularly through the promotion and development of local community foundations and nonprofits.
Nidhi Puri web 
 Nidhi Puri - A Canton resident and is President and CEO of Arbor Corporation. She serves as a member of the Michigan chapters of the Association of the United States Army and Society of American Military Engineers and a founding member of the Northern USA-India Business Council, which is part of the Women’s Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Her experience and qualifications are in the fields of Marketing, Development, Business, and Event Planning. She wants to use her skills to make a positive impact in the community.
 Bryan Regner – Resides and owns a successful Edward Jones investment firm in Canton. Bryan has couple of funds Canton Community Foundation. His fund makes multiple grants to the local nonprofits, and he is very involved in the community. His expertise is marketing and finance. His motto – Going from Successful to Significant.
 We look forward to working closely with our new Board of Directors and make it a year of impact in our local community.
New Board Member joins Community Foundation of Plymouth

New Board Member joins Community Foundation of Plymouth

“The mission of Community Foundation of Plymouth is to empower local community programs to improve quality of life of it residents. We are excited to welcome our new board of director who will help us accomplish our goals”.
We are honored to announce a new member of Plymouth Foundation board, Delbert Redfield. A Plymouth resident, he brings experience in marketing, event planning to the board, and will bring local visibility to the organization.
Currently working at Hylant Group, Delbert has expressed excitement to work with other board members and staff of Local Impact Alliance. We very much look forward to the insights and new ideas he will provide in this new role.
Please join us in welcoming Del to the Local Impact Alliance family!
Community Foundation of Plymouth is an affiliate of Local Impact Alliance.
Margaret Dunning Foundation Supports Local Impact Alliance

Margaret Dunning Foundation Supports Local Impact Alliance

Mararet Dunning Foundation supports Local Impact Alliance, awards grant to upgrade technology.

Local Impact Alliance is set to upgrade it's software Pearl to more modern state of the art system from Bromellkamp, AkoyaGO.

This transiton would greatly increase data processing and analysing capabilities of staff members. 

It will also give us the tools needed to continue to engage with other nonprofits, grantees, as well as current and potential donors in an efficient and impactful ways.

The Local Impact Alliance supports the community foundations of Canton, Plymouth and Westland; as well at the Giving Hope, Women’s Giving Circle and Eagles for Children and more than 120 individual funds. With nearly $6 million in assets, the mission is simple: Build trusted partnerships to connect resources with community needs.

The Margaret Dunning Foundation was founded by Ms. Dunning in 1997. She was born in 1910 in Redford Township, Michigan, and moved with her mother to Plymouth, Michigan in the 1920s.


Happy Holidays - Karen Hanchett, Giving Hope Chairwoman

Happy Holidays - Karen Hanchett, Giving Hope Chairwoman

Hello everyone! 

I am excited and honored to begin my term as Advisory Chair of Giving Hope, Women’s Giving Circle.  Linda Demmer has done a fabulous job of leading this group over the last few years and I know she will continue tol be involved as an active member and advisor to our organization.  I would also like to welcome Jackie Jossey as our new Treasurer and thank Denise Murray for doing such a great job as treasurer over the past few years.  We have a wonderful group of ladies serving on the various committees that make Giving Hope a valuable asset to our local community. 

Are you looking to become more actively involved in helping women, children and families in 2024?  Please consider joining a committee or becoming a board member at large.  The commitment is not too taxing and the rewards are great!

The Giving Hope, Women’s Giving Circle board would like to wish our members and their families a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year.  We look forward to seeing you at our 2024 events!

Karen Hanchett
Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle
Community Grants awarded - CFP

Community Grants awarded - CFP

The Community Foundation of Plymouth has worked to enrich the quality of life in the Plymouth area through grants and scholarships that have benefited Plymouth residents. We work with those who have a similar vision to build on our permanent endowment to benefit the community of Plymouth.
Since 2005, the Community Foundation of Plymouth has granted more than $1.3 million to support local programs, projects and students in the Plymouth community.
That is certainly an amazing amount of money that has gone back into helping our local community! Most recently, $12,000 was granted to worthy organizations that applied for grants during yearly granting cycle.
They included:
# Leo Rising - $2,000 for licensed hairdresser who will provide products, styling tools and instructions for varying hair types and textures for low income children, particualarly targeting clients of Plymouth Community Foster care Closet.
# Miracle League of Plymouth - $2,500 towards replacement of playing surface of baseball field for special need kids.
# Plymouth Community Foster Closet - $1,500 to purchase clothing, shpes, hygiene products and car seats for children in area foster care.
# New Hope Center for Grief Support - $2,500 for Next Step Grief Support Peer Groups: seminars, and workshops with some designed for seniors.
# YMCA Plymouth - $2,500 for Girls on the Run programming which combines running with focus on physical, social and emotional health for girls.
# Courageous Kids - $1,000 fpr family outings for families with seriously ill children.


Giving Tuesday is November 28, 2023!
If you're looking for Giving Tuesday, you're in the right place. On November 28, 2023, 5 of our affiliate non profit organizations throughout Western Wayne county of Michigan, as well as a few of the Community Foundation's key programs, will team up to raise funds for the good of our communities!
As your Local Community Foundation, we spend every day working to improve the lives of all who live in your local community. Our Community Foundation is built from donations from hundreds of people who care about our communities, allows your gift to do the most good, sustaining and building a vibrant region.
Local Impact Alliance consist of following non profits, foundations, giving circle and community programs:
Canton Community Foundation - Since 1989, the Canton Community Foundation has helped to enhance philanthropy in Canton Township and the surrounding communities.
Community Foundation of Plymouth - The Community Foundation of Plymouth has worked to enrich the quality of life in the Plymouth area through grants and scholarships that have benefited Plymouth residents.
Westland Community Foundation - In 1996, the Westland Community Foundation was founded to enhance Westland's civic, educational, and cultural communities
Eagles For Children - Eagles for Children® is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that uses a simple, fun and engaging program at private golf clubs to raise funds to support local children's charities that benefit disadvantaged children.
Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle - Group of local women philanthropists helping in the local community, reaching and assisting women, children, and their families in need.
P.O.R.C.H. - Providing Others Renewed Confidence and Hope, a community service provided free to the local senior residents who are struggling with loneliness.
Please support any of the program which touches your heart

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Giving Hope Fall Annual Business Meeting

Giving Hope Fall Annual Business Meeting

News & Updates

Hello Circle Members,

Thank you to everyone who made time to attend our annual meeting and fall charity event last Wednesday evening. Rocky's did not disappoint, and we enjoyed dinner and time together.

During the business portion of the evening, I shared brief highlights from our past year, including four events and the Living and Learning Enrichment Center tour.

Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle truly has made an important impact on our local community in need, and we can all be very proud of our efforts.

Treasurer Denise Murray shared the latest financial statement with those in attendance. Our fund and endowments are strong and will enable us to continue our mission of Giving Hope to women, children, and families in need. 

It is also time to submit your annual dues, so please do so at your earliest convenience. You may send a check to the CCF/LIA office or use the QR code to make payment online. Thank you in advance.

I would like take this moment to thank Denise Murray for her years of service as the Giving Hope Women's Giving Circle Treasurer. It was a big job and Denise always did it professionally and thoroughly. We have been truly fortunate to have her share her time and talent keeping track of all our expenses, funds, dues, and related information. Many thanks again for a job well done!

Next, I had the honor of introducing and welcoming our newest Giving Hope "Circle" members Jill Dean, Margaret Currie, Rachelle Vartarian. Both Jill and Margaret were presented with their Giving Hope; Women's Giving Circle pins.

I am very proud to let everyone know our current membership count is 64!! Thank you for joining us ladies - the more the merrier and more "Hope" we can "Give" together! Keep telling your friends about Giving Hope and let's keep growing!

Next, Grants Committee Chair Jane Kerjes gave us detailed information about the many grants our Circle has provided to organizations over the years and during our most recent grant cycle.Since the creation of Giving Hope, we have given out over $190,000.00! That is certainly an amazing amount of money that has gone back into helping our local community! Most reently, $13,000 was granted to worthy organzations that applied grants during our yearly spring granting cycle.

They included:

  • Fleece and Thank you
  • St. Vincent de Paul /Journey to Housing
  • Partnership for the Arts & Humanities / Adapive Creative Expression program
  • Plymouth Canton Literacy Council
  • P-CCS Clothing Bank
  • Salvation Army Summer Day Camp Scholarship program

Many thanks to Jane and her dedicated committee for reviewing the applications and making these decisions. We should be proud knowing how much assistance we are providing for these organizations; helping them reach their goals. Well done!

During dessert Katie Montes, the director of Mary's Mantle, gave us a presentation about the charity and what does it does for the community. Mary's Mantle provides housing for homeless, pregnant women in crisis. They currently operate a home where they can house four ladies at a time. The women stay during their pregnancy and receive support services during and after the birth of their children. Mary's Mantle is hoping to grow its facilities and is currently researching local property for their needs. I invite you to look them up on the website to find out more about this great place and its people.

Thank you everyone who supported Mary's Mantle through our Pass the Purse. We raised over $1000. Great job, Ladies!!

The last item of business for the evening was to introduce and welcome the new Giving Hope, Wome's Giving Circle Advisory Board members! Our new Chairwoman is Karen Hanchett, and new Treasurer is Jackie Josey. Thank you, ladies for stepping up to serve in these important positions to ensure the future success and legacy of our Circle. The Advisory Board is still in need of at least two additional members to join the board. The roles of Vice Chir and Membership need to be filled. Please consider joining the board and being a part of this great group dedicated to directing and doing the important work of Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle!


Thank you!

I would like to say thank you to the Advisory Board and all the members of Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle to honor and opportunity to work with you and over these past years. I was nervous about becoming Chairwoman but all of you made the experience a wonderful learning opportunity on so many unexpected levels - the one I will always treasure!

From our first and greatly productive board meetings, to the necessary online meetings and zoom event gatherings, to my silly event videos, to our back to in-person gatherings....and all those moments in between; it has been a blast!! Best of all, we made our Circle bigger and stonger together. And that is truly something to be proud of!

I also want to express my deep and sincere gratitude to our wonderful CCF/LIA support staff - Beth Meade, Darice Schubatis and Mili Tandon - for their support and assistance covering all our GH, WGC adminstrative needs. We really couldn't do any great work of Giving Hope without them!

In closing , I give my most sincere and heartfelt thanks to you all and my very best wishes for our amazing organization Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle! May it continue to succeed in its mission of assisting women, children and families in our local community and grow in its potential to gather and cultivate a strong circle of women philanthropists! Together we can reach these goals and Give Hope to all!

Linda Demmer

Former Chairwoman of Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle

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