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Community Foundation Plymouth

For Good. For Ever.

Tuesday, 11 January 2022 19:31

Westland Community Fund

The Westland Community Foundation is dedicated to building a permanent endowment to enrich the quality of life in the greater Westland community. 

Published in Westland Funds
Thursday, 23 December 2021 17:10

Local Impact Alliance Annual Report 2021

Please take a look at our report and see how impactful the year was for our local foundations Canton Community Foundation, Community Foundation Plymouth and Westland Community Foundation.

If you are considering end of the year donation , please scan the QR code, it's that easy to be a Difference Maker!


Dear Friends,

Giving back to your community is one of the highest services you can provide to those in need. And those of you receiving this Annual Report are some of the most generous in our world; and for that, I congratulate and thank you.

But along with being charitable yourself, helping others in your circle of influence to learn how to give is an effort well worth all of out time. During the holidays, I Urge your to have conversations with friends and family members to explain how you give back to your community. Show them a path to philanthropy. Examples are a great way of illustrating to someone the many ways they can give back - and you all are fantastic representatives in showing how to be generous.

In addition, our team at the Local Impac Alliance (LIA) has provided you stories of people right here in Western Wayne County who have worked with our various foundations in order to fulfill their philanthropic dreams.

You'll learn about Serena Baker who is fast becoming a "difference maker" within her community, thanks to what she learned from her mentors in the Lead Like a Girl program. The Canton Police Benevolence Fund, the Last Hope Fund, the Canton Cares Fund, and the Community Foundation of Plymouth are also making their mark in our community.

Through stories like these, you can show someone whom you care about how they can become a "difference maker" in their community. And, of course, we hope that you will point them back to our family of foundations (The Canton Community Foundation, the Community Foundation of Plymouth, Giving Hope Women's Giving Circle, and now we are pleased to add the Westland Community Foundation to our LIA family). Beth Mease and the team at LIA would be happy to help.

Finally, as we enter this season of giving, I hope that you will do as my family does, and take a look at our commitment to philanthropy, what our focus is, and at what level we hope to give in the coming year. Any time you would like to discuss your own fund or an idea for a fund with  Beth and the team, please call the LIA office at 734-495-1200 and they will be happy to make an appointment to meet with you.

I wish you a happy and healthy new year and easy winter.

Your Board Chairman,

Steven Sneideman





Hello Giving Hope Members and Friends!

Happy Holidays!


I "Hope" everyone is doing well and not stressing out … 'tis the season after all! I wanted to send out a recap of the Ugly Christmas Sweater Zoom event held on Wednesday December 8th! IT was a wonderful time!! I know we are all tired of these zoom events, but I must say, this was one of our most entertaining!!

Many thanks to all the ladies who attended and were able to hear about our pass the purse charity, Canton Goodfellows. We were fortunate to be joined by Nila Patel — the Vice President of Canton Goodfellows. Nila described exactly what and how this endearing organization accomplishes its mission of "No Child Without a Christmas." What a worthwhile organization to support at this Giving time of year!

With that typed, I wish we had an audible drum roll to help announce we raised $1,780 for the organization!!  I want to thank every lady who donated and also (and especially) the many ladies who, while not able to attend the zoom, did contribute to the Goodfellows cause and helped us reach this amazing sum! 

During the zoom we also said our fond goodbyes and thank you's to retiring board members Jackie Norris, Sharon Filips and Sue Rosiek. These ladies served their terms with enthusiasm and dedication and will certainly be missed on the board. Fortunately we welcomed new board members Noel Bittinger, Karen Hanchette and Maureen Visser. I know they will bring new inspiration and help continue the tradition of strong leadership to the Giving Hope Advisory Board. Many thanks to these ladies for accepting the role.

Having those announcements made, I must also remind everyone we are still in need of 2 or 3 additional members on the board. Therefore, I ask again for your consideration and help in filling these spots. I know many of you have some trepidation about assuming the responsibility; but please, FEAR NOT!! It is anything but intimidating and we work as a group to support our meaningful organization — please consider joining the "Team" and let me know if I can count on you! The Advisory Board will meet in January and I do HOPE to have all the positions filled! Thank you in advance for your support.

We also discussed a potential charitable giving and creating event: making fleece blankets for or donating to "Fleece & Thank You" an organization that provides blankets to children in hospitals in our area. There was interest among our attendees, so the Advisory Board will discuss the particulars at the January board meeting!

Lastly, our zoom went "techy:" Thanks to Karen Hanchette, Reanne Neil and Jackie Norris we played a rousing game of Christmas trivia on our pc's and phones — what a hoot! Trivia winners were #1- Dianne Neihengen, #2 Jane Kerjes, and #3 Sue Rosiek! Well done ladies!!

And our special prize for Ugly Sweater became a draw among all our guest and the winner, Noel Bittinger graciously declined the chocolate Santa treat (she's doing great on her diet!!) and asked that another name be drawn, and we were delighted to award that prize to Nila Patel!

With all the information shared, the Giving done and the prizes won, we all toasted the great work we achieve through Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle, wished everyone a happy and healthy Holiday Season and all the best for 2022!!

It will be another great year of Giving Hope and I look forward to sharing it with all of you!

My humble and sincere thanks and very best wishes for the Christmas season!

Linda J. Demmer,

Advisory Board Chairwoman

Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle

Published in Giving Hope News
Saturday, 27 November 2021 23:29


One of the best feelings in the world is giving. The positive energy is contagious.

With just one act of kindness, you can inspire others to go out and plant seeds of happiness through giving, too.

Your greatest gift is the ability to share your blessings; it’s what makes life meaningful.

Please GIVE generously on #GivingTuesday2021

Give the Gift of Comfort and Joy!


Saturday, 27 November 2021 23:25


One of the best feelings in the world is giving. The positive energy is contagious.
With just one act of kindness, you can inspire others to go out and plant seeds of happiness through giving, too.
Your greatest gift is the ability to share your blessings; it’s what makes life meaningful.
Please GIVE generously on #GivingTuesday2021
Give the Gift of Comfort and Joy!


Tuesday, 23 November 2021 20:56

11-30-21 is Giving Tuesday

Every year, on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, people take the time to kick off the holiday season by giving back to their community.

Whether it is donating money to a charitable cause or volunteering, Giving Tuesday is a day set to benefit the community.

On #Giving Tuesday charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.

Monday, 08 November 2021 17:29

CFP awards Grants

Community Foundation of Plymouth recently announced the 2021 Grants receipts.
Congratulations to:
  1. $5000 to the Plymouth YMCA to fund Girls on the Run and Stride programming.
  2. $2661 to Growth Works for Narcan kits.
  3. $2500 To Camp Casey for Horsey Call.
The Community Foundation of Plymouth is dedicated to enriching the quality of life in the Plymouth area by providing grants to organizations that support our mission.


Friday, 29 October 2021 19:10

"'Tis the Season to Rock Ugly Sweaters"


"'Tis the Season to Rock Ugly Sweaters" zoom session to be held on Wednesday December 8th at 7pm!

More "merry" details will follow soon!!

There will be raffles and prizes. The charity that we will raise money for that evening is Canton Goodfellows Inc .

Published in Giving Hope Events
Friday, 29 October 2021 18:57

Cheers to 15 Years Recap

Autumn Greetings to all Giving Hope,

Women's Giving Circle Members and Friends,

It is hard to believe we are already well into the fall since the warm temperatures have thankfully remained with us! As was the case for our wonderfully attended "Cheers for 15 years: Gathering to Give" event!

We had 35 members and guests who joined us for delicious hors d'oeuvres, cocktails, a champagne toast, and a tasty dessert!! The weather was grand, the giving generous and the time spent together as the Circle was enriching and inspiring.

The evening began with a welcome to all in attendance. In recognition of the occasion, our successful 15 years of Giving Hope, former chairwomen in attendance were given a round of applause and those not able to join were mentioned by name. We have much to be grateful for as these women leaders are truly the backbone, heart and spirit of our organization and we would not have survived without their commitment to the circle. Thanks was also expressed to all the members who have served on the Advisory Board and/or committees. It takes each and every one of us to keep growing our wonderful organization and helping more women find their way to becoming philanthropists through Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle. New logo pins were given to all members and then all were asked to stand and "pin" them on (really, they have a magnetic back! LOL!!). All members should feel great pride as they wear this signature pin. It stands for everything that we believe in and have accomplished in the past 15 years, and what we plan to continue long into the future!

A brief business meeting followed:  

Treasurer, Denise Murray presented our current budget and details. Our endowment is currently $211,962.61 and growing. We are being good stewards of our expenses and finding ways to hold events and enrich our bottom line in fun and creative ways. Please contact me or Denise if you would like to see the complete report.

Next, I presented a quick year in review, highlighting our events "Harvest of Hope" fall 2020, "Giving Green for Giving Hope" March 2021, and "Time to Get Back to Celebrating Giving Hope" June 2021.

All these events were a success due to the participation of members and guests as well as the generosity found among them all. Thank you to all who joined in! Going forward, we are planning on our next virtual event. I hope you will join us for "'Tis the Season to Rock Ugly Sweaters" zoom session to be held on Wednesday December 8th at 7pm!

More "merry" details will follow soon!!

I was also honored to introduce our newest members:

  • Gina Franciosi
  • Renee DiPonio
  • Hannah Heebner
  • Jaya Wilson

It is wonderful to welcome these ladies into the Circle! This year alone we have added 7 new members and for that I am truly delighted!!

Next Beth Meade introduced Mickey Guisewite, the founder of our evening's selected charity The Bottomless Toy Chest. This Michigan-based organization provides toys for children in hospitals in Michigan and across the country. Mickey explained why and how she came up with the idea for this wonderful charity and told us stories of the impact she has witnessed with the children getting gifts! It was so inspiring to hear about her mission and how it has been fulfilled by charitable giving like ours! If you were not able to join us but would still like to donate, please feel free to go to the Bottomless Toy Chest website where you may look at their gift list and send a toy along.

After Mickey had delivered her remarks, our time was spent socializing and enjoying the food and beverage fare at Walnut Creek Country Club.

Once again, my many thanks to all who were able to attend and make the evening so special. We not only collected 104 toys, but we also provided almost $600 in an impromptu "Pass the "Box" moment!

In closing, I expect to remain as Chairwomen for the upcoming year. My term will conclude at the end of 2022, so I am going to continue to do my best to keep up the enthusiasm, fun and social opportunities for all our members and friends and "hope" you will join in at events in the coming year.


Congratulations to us all on the achievements we have contributed to and been part of these past 15 years for Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle!

Best wishes,

Linda J. Demmer


Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle

Published in Giving Hope News
Friday, 08 October 2021 17:04

Chili Cook Off for Canton Cares Fund

October is National Chili Month.
When the weather cools down and the campfire gets going, there’s no better comfort food than chili to warm your soul and make it a perfect night. Every October, when autumn starts to chill our bones, break out the bread bowls and warm up with National Chili Month.

What better way to celebrate then to make it a fundraiser for our community.

This Fundraiser will support the Canton Cares Fund at Canton Community Foundation, which supports Canton community by providing financial assistance for disaster relief, therapeutic recreation, youth and senior programs.

Scan the bar code to purchase your tickets.

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