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Local Impact Alliance

Connect. Invest. Grow.


The organizations of the Local Impact Alliance are working hard for all of the communities of Western Wayne County. Below is just a sampling of the latest news from the nonprofits and groups under the LIA umbrella.

Giving Hope Grants to Michigan Foster Care Closet

Giving Hope Grants to Michigan Foster Care Closet

Hello Giving Hope Ladies,

The ladies of Giving Hope are so generous!  So proud of all our ladies who donated monetarily as well as donating the spring & summer PJ's and stuffed animals to the Michigan Foster Care Closet of Plymouth. Giving Hope was able to send MFCC a check for $1400 which will be used to purchase more PJ's. We were able to take over 4 large bags of donations!  About 40 more pairs of PJ's were donated through the Amazon wishlist and sent directly to MFC.

The Michigan Foster Care Closet is a 501(c)3 non-profit staffed by 100% volunteers. No one gets paid, so all of the monetary donations go directly to helping foster children & foster families. They service 65-75 individual children a month all free of charge. Clothing children with confidence and self-esteem, is what they strive for with every child that walks through their doors. They are very intentional with their help and support the whole foster family. If you are interested in volunteering at MFCC, please call Rachael Secord at (734) 664-4089. Rachael operates the MFCC in Plymouth out of the 2500 sq ft basement of her home, which is open 24/7!  Their website is michiganfostercarecloset.org. You can also follow them on Facebook-Michigan Foster Care Closet-Plymouth and click follow. There are many opportunities to donate & volunteer.

We had 17 ladies join us on Zoom for our March 9th "Pajama Party" supporting Michigan Foster Care Closet in Plymouth. Rachael Secord, the president of MFCC spoke to us about the stressful situations that children experience when they are removed from their home. We also had some fun listening to the Canton/Denton ghost story with Mad Libs & playing a Kahoot.com trivia game. A Big Thank you to Karen Hanchett. Thank you to Sharon Flips for being a porch collection drop off, drawing & delivering our spa bag winner. Thank you to Becky Hurst who helped deliver the porch collections to MFCC. Thank you to Denise for the wonderful Facebook post. Thankful to be part of helping foster children in our area by supporting Michigan Foster Care Closet.

Looking forward to our summer social event on June22 in-person!  Giving Hope will be supporting Seedlings, Braile Books for Children

Raeann Neil 

Special Events Chair

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Women's History Month - Betty Ford

Women's History Month - Betty Ford

Hello, Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle member! Here is the next in our selection of significant philanthropic women for your reading and learning pleasure! What a wonderful legacy of Giving as women we share! Wishing you a wonderful week!  

Betty Ford was chosen for her strength and bravery. She was not afraid to speak out about issues many women faced yet were afraid to talk about. Betty was candid about women’s rights and health issues, speaking out about   her diagnosis with breast cancer and encouraging women to get yearly exams. Outspoken about drug and alcohol abuse and the importance seeking help and treatment.  Her voice helped so many women and families.

Betty Ford

A groundbreaking First Lady, Betty Ford is often remembered for her candor in addressing the controversial issues of her time.

Elizabeth Anne “Betty” Bloomer was born in Chicago and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan. After graduating from Central High School, she went on to study modern dance at Bennington School of the Dance. 

Betty returned to Michigan in 1941 and became a fashion coordinator for a department store.  During this time, she continued to pursue her love of dance by starting her own performance group and teaching dance to handicapped children.

Betty became the First Lady when husband Gerald Ford became the 38th President of the United States. A few months later, Ford was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a radical mastectomy. Rather than suppressing the diagnosis, she courageously shared her story and inspired countless women across the nation to get breast examinations. During her tenure as First Lady, Ford continued to be an outspoken advocate of women’s rights, addressing public issues like the Equal Rights Amendment and increasing the number of women appointed to senior government posts.

After the Presidency 1976 Betty moved her family to Rancho Mirage, California. In 1978, following a family intervention, Ford underwent successful treatment for addiction to alcohol and prescription drugs. She again used her personal story to raise public awareness of addiction, and in 1982, she co-founded the Betty Ford Center to treat victims of alcohol and chemical dependency.

Women's History Month - Cora Reynolds Andersen

Women's History Month - Cora Reynolds Andersen

Hello, Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle member! Here is the next in our selection of significant philanthropic women for your reading and learning pleasure! What a wonderful legacy of Giving as women we share! Wishing you a wonderful week!  


Cora Reynolds Anderson (1882 -1950) was the first woman elected to the Michigan House of Representatives, serving one term from 1925 to 1926. She is also believed to be the only Native American woman elected to the Michigan House or Senate.

While in the House of Representatives, Anderson concentrated on public welfare issues and chaired the Industrial Home for Girls Committee. She was particularly interested in public health issues, especially the fight against alcoholism and tuberculosis. Prior to her term, she had organized the first public health service in Baraga County and was instrumental in securing the county’s first public health nurse. She also became actively involved in the Michigan Grange and served as the Upper Peninsula officer.

Anderson was educated as a teacher at the Haskell Institute in Lawrence, Kansas, which is known today as the Haskell Indian Nations University. She taught school in the Upper Peninsula for several years. At a time when minorities, including Native Americans, were subjected to considerable economic and social discrimination, Anderson’s determination to attend college and return the benefits of her education to her community was notable. Her role as educator, legislator, public health reform leader aided the Native American community as well as the whole of society.

I find her amazing as not only as the first women elected to the legislator in 1925, but also a minority. I appreciate her bravery and voice for the people of Michigan on education and public health issues. She was an educator and organized the first public health service in the UP.

Women's History Month

Women's History Month

Clara Bryant Ford was chosen for her early and significant philanthropic efforts to improve the lives of women and children and for contributing land and financial aid to Vista Maria home for women and girls.  

Through her philanthropic endeavors and own self-determination, Clara Bryant Ford (1866-1950) made it her life’s mission to improve the life and welfare of women and those in poverty-stricken areas across the country. Clara Ford and her husband, Henry, created and funded numerous programs that focused on women’s rights and self-sufficiency, education, healthcare, and environmentalism. Vista Maria, originally a home for orphaned girls, the School of Nursing and Hygiene at Henry Ford Hospital, Planned Parenthood (1945-her death). They also supported several small liberal arts colleges such as Berry College, Vassar, and Radcliff.  

Born into a farming family, Mrs. Ford was an avid gardener and promoted the idea of urban gardens during the Great Depression amongst the Ford Motor Company employees. She donated food grown on her family’s farms to more than a dozen institutions on a weekly basis. From 1924-1932, Mrs. Ford served as president of the Women’s National Farm & Gardens Association during which time she created a “Roadside Market” campaign that encouraged rural women to sell their home-grown produce at roadside stands, enabling them to earn their own income.  

Clara Ford was also active in the suffrage movement. By 1918 she was an outspoken advocate and organizer for women’s suffrage campaign, serving as Vice Chair of the Dearborn branch of the Equal Suffrage League of Wayne County with meetings being held frequently at her Fair Lane home. In 1921, she served on the Board of Directors of the Michigan League of Women Voters. 

Happy Women's History Month!

Happy Women's History Month!

Hello Ladies of Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle!

 March is Women's History Month, and we will be highlighting 4 philanthropic women we believe embody the ideals, strengths, and purposes of our Circle! We Hope you will enjoy our choices and learn more about these amazing Women who are foundations of the legacy of Giving we follow! Best Wishes and enjoy this Month for Women!

Week #1 Clara Bryant Ford

Week #2 Cora Reynolds Andersen

Week #3 Matilda Dodge Wilson

Week #4 Betty Bloomer Ford

Giving Hope Grant Application Is Now Open

Giving Hope Grant Application Is Now Open

Giving Hope Grants

Giving Hope's 2022 Grant Cycle Is Open Now Through April 18, 2022!

Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle efforts are focused on helping in the local community, reaching and assisting women, children, and their families in need.

Since 2006, the members and patrons have made it possible to grant more than $100,000 to local organizations that serve women and families in need.

Grants will only be awarded to qualifying 501(c)3 organizations serving women and children in Western Wayne County.

If you have questions with application process please contact Beth at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 734-495-1200.

If you have questions about Grants in general, please contact Jane Kersjes This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Click here to fill out the application

Lunch & Learn Series

Lunch & Learn Series

Local Impact Alliance Announces New “Lunch and Learn” Series

Monthly series will highlight community leaders in an informal, “brown bag” setting

In partnership with the Canton Community Foundation, the Local Impact Alliance (LIA) is proud to announce its’ “2022 Lunch and Learn Series.”  The goal of this series is to foster community discussion on issues of importance to Canton, Plymouth, Westland, and Van Buren. 

“Our area is full of talented people doing interesting things.  We wanted to showcase those people and give our residents a chance to learn and get engaged," said moderator David Hammond, Vice Chairman of the Canton Community Foundation.

Each session will begin at 11:30 am and will be hosted in the 1st floor boardroom of the Canton Township Administration Building, 1150 S Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI 48188.  


Brenda 1May 18th – “Growing Native Plants for Our Caterpillars, Butterflies and Moths"

Brenda Dziedzic is on a mission to strengthen native butterfly populations.  Dziedzic is an award-winning Master Gardener, author, and expert on raising butterflies. She is the author of Raising Butterflies in the Garden, co-founder and president of the Southeast Michigan Butterfly Association (SEMBA), and founder of Westland's “Brenda’s Butterfly Habitat," a public greenhouse that houses butterflies native to Michigan and their host plants. Follow her efforts on Facebook at: Learn About Butterflies in the Garden. Dziedzic's talk will focus on what individuals can do to encourage butterfly populations in their own yards.  Copies of her book available for purchase.  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THIS FREE EVENT


 brookeJune 1st Bridging the Student and Employers Gap Through 'Future Fit' – Brooke Franklin

Brooke Franklin is the Founder and President of Adaptive Creative Solutions, Inc. Previously, she served as the Business Development Recruiter, Director of the Detroit Board Fellowship Program, and Director of K-12 Strategic Partnerships for the Detroit Regional Chamber for over nine years. In addition, Brooke served as the Director of Workforce and Talent for the Canton Chamber of Commerce.  

Please stay tuned to Local Impact Alliance to get more details on speakers and dates of registration.

Created to strengthen and promote organized philanthropy in the Western Wayne County (MI) communities of Plymouth, Westland, Canton, and Van Buren, the Local Impact Alliance (LIA) is a partnership of three community foundations and several local community programs.  Founding members of the LIA include the Canton Community Foundation, the Community Foundation of Plymouth, the Westland Community Foundation, Giving Hope and Eagles for Children.

Have a suggestion for a future “Lunch and Learn” speaker? Call or email David Hammond at 734-862-1928 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Future Fit

Future Fit



Today’s workforce has dramatically changed, leaving employers to rapidly adjust to “creative” processes for attracting the right people to their business.

In order to compete, businesses must consider innovative programs that help them construct a talent pipeline of high-quality employees.

The Canton Chamber and the Local Impact Alliance have teamed up to launch FUTURE FIT.

This cutting-edge program prepares students (grades 10-12) to enter the workforce by directly connecting them to employers.



  1. Consult with Future Fit Director to determine your workforce challenges and expectations.
  2. Work with Future Fit Director to design a realworld experience that provides student exposure to your operations.
  3. Interview Future Fit Scholars to determine best fit for your business.
  4. Train, develop and manage your Future Fit Scholar and provide a meaningful opportunity to fill your talent needs. Work to maximize the opportunity for them to become a full-time employee.


To engage in the Future Fit program, contact the Canton Chamber at 734-453-4040 or email Brooke Franklin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chairwoman Demmer's message to Giving Hope

Chairwoman Demmer's message to Giving Hope

Giving Hope's Advisory Board Chairwoman Linda Demmer's message to it's members.

In her message Linda Demmer wishes all the members a very happy new year as they enter their 16th year.

She also informs the member about changes in advisory board.

Giving Hope is also planning an event in March which will benefit the Michigan Foster Care Closet.

Please read letter to get more details.

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