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Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle

Caring, Community, Connections

Giving Hope News

Happy Summer!

Happy Summer!

The Giving Hope, Women’s Giving Circle board would like to wish you a great summer filled with laughter, sunshine and time with family and friends. 

We appreciate your generosity over the past year and look forward to seeing you at our next event.



Summer Social at Maverick's

We had a great turnout on Wednesday, June 5. Felicia and Shawna from Leo Rising talked to us about their organization that provides services to girls, women and families in need of grooming services, empowerment workshops, and career advice pertaining to the cosmetology field.

Our Pass the Purse fund was able to raise $1170 to help this worthy group to help others. A big thank you to all the people who make this event run so smoothly!


Welcome New Members

Our membership is rising! We are currently at 68 members with seven new members since March!

Please welcome our newest members to our circle of giving:

·     Lisa Benages

·     Wendy Burke

·     Maggie Honaker

·     Maureen Turomsha

·     Debbie Uller



Grants Committee Does It Again

Our fabulous Grants Committee recently reviewed several grant applications and awarded $12,800 to local charities that support girls, women and families in local communities. This is our most important work! We were able to provide funds to the following organizations:

·     Guiding Harbor

·     Leo Rising

·     New Hope Center for Grief Support

·     Plymouth-Canton Community Literacy Council

·     Plymouth Community Foster Closet

·     Vista Maria Reads

Email Concerns

We have heard from some members and friends that they are not receiving our eblasts. Please be aware that if you unsubscribe from any of the organizations that Canton Community Foundation supports, you unsubscribe from all of them, including Giving Hope. Unfortunately, the way the program works, they can request you re-subscribe one time only. If you don't respond, they cannot send you another request.



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Giving Hope in the Community

Giving Hope in the Community

Women's History Month in Canton

Giving Hope was Invited by Canton Township to host a table at their Women's History event on March 14. Five Board members, Sharon Filips, Raeann Neil, Karen Hanchett, Noel Bittinger and Donna Clack were on hand to tell ladies attending the event about Giving Hope and all of the good work we do in the community.

Fleece and Thank You Event

In 2023, Giving Hope granted money to the Fleece and Thank You organization to provide blanket kits to be made and then given to children who are in the hospital. On Saturday, May 11, at 9 am the public is invited to come to the Summit in Canton to make blankets. No skills or materials are necessary. Bring a freind! Contact Janet Brady This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to RSVP or if you have any questions.

Got Crayons?

Starting on March 30 and continuing for two weeks, bring your old crayons to the Canton Library and put them in collecton box. They will be melting them down and creating a giant Canton Community Crayon!

Giving Hope Grant Applications are now open for 2024

Giving Hope Grant Applications are now open for 2024

We’re happy to announce that the Giving Hope Grant Applications are now open for 2024! 

We will be awarding $12,800 among various charities benefitting women and children mostly in the Plymouth, Canton and Northville areas. If you have friends or associates that are involved in these organizations, please let them know. The deadline for submission is April 19th.

Your generous donations since 2008 have allowed us to award over $218,000 to over 58 organizations.  We appreciate your support through all the yearly donation opportunities both online and in-person for granting, Pass the Purse and 100 Women. Giving Hope, Women’s Giving Circle truly has made an important impact on our local community in need, and we can all be very proud of our efforts.

Below is the link to access the grant application.


Save the Dates for Giving Hope Annual Events

Save the Dates for Giving Hope Annual Events


Traditionally, Giving Hope holds four events throughout the year.  Giving Hope members and patrons are invited to attend annual events

Please mark the dates on your calendar. More information to come!

Pizza Party and Game Night - Wed., March 20th

Summer Event (TBD) - Wed., June 5th

Giving Hope Business Meeting/Dinner - Wed., Oct. 16th

Dixboro Shopping Event - Wed., Dec. 4th

Happy Holidays - Karen Hanchett, Giving Hope Chairwoman

Happy Holidays - Karen Hanchett, Giving Hope Chairwoman

Hello everyone! 

I am excited and honored to begin my term as Advisory Chair of Giving Hope, Women’s Giving Circle.  Linda Demmer has done a fabulous job of leading this group over the last few years and I know she will continue tol be involved as an active member and advisor to our organization.  I would also like to welcome Jackie Jossey as our new Treasurer and thank Denise Murray for doing such a great job as treasurer over the past few years.  We have a wonderful group of ladies serving on the various committees that make Giving Hope a valuable asset to our local community. 

Are you looking to become more actively involved in helping women, children and families in 2024?  Please consider joining a committee or becoming a board member at large.  The commitment is not too taxing and the rewards are great!

The Giving Hope, Women’s Giving Circle board would like to wish our members and their families a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year.  We look forward to seeing you at our 2024 events!

Karen Hanchett
Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle
Giving Hope Fall Annual Business Meeting

Giving Hope Fall Annual Business Meeting

News & Updates

Hello Circle Members,

Thank you to everyone who made time to attend our annual meeting and fall charity event last Wednesday evening. Rocky's did not disappoint, and we enjoyed dinner and time together.

During the business portion of the evening, I shared brief highlights from our past year, including four events and the Living and Learning Enrichment Center tour.

Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle truly has made an important impact on our local community in need, and we can all be very proud of our efforts.

Treasurer Denise Murray shared the latest financial statement with those in attendance. Our fund and endowments are strong and will enable us to continue our mission of Giving Hope to women, children, and families in need. 

It is also time to submit your annual dues, so please do so at your earliest convenience. You may send a check to the CCF/LIA office or use the QR code to make payment online. Thank you in advance.

I would like take this moment to thank Denise Murray for her years of service as the Giving Hope Women's Giving Circle Treasurer. It was a big job and Denise always did it professionally and thoroughly. We have been truly fortunate to have her share her time and talent keeping track of all our expenses, funds, dues, and related information. Many thanks again for a job well done!

Next, I had the honor of introducing and welcoming our newest Giving Hope "Circle" members Jill Dean, Margaret Currie, Rachelle Vartarian. Both Jill and Margaret were presented with their Giving Hope; Women's Giving Circle pins.

I am very proud to let everyone know our current membership count is 64!! Thank you for joining us ladies - the more the merrier and more "Hope" we can "Give" together! Keep telling your friends about Giving Hope and let's keep growing!

Next, Grants Committee Chair Jane Kerjes gave us detailed information about the many grants our Circle has provided to organizations over the years and during our most recent grant cycle.Since the creation of Giving Hope, we have given out over $190,000.00! That is certainly an amazing amount of money that has gone back into helping our local community! Most reently, $13,000 was granted to worthy organzations that applied grants during our yearly spring granting cycle.

They included:

  • Fleece and Thank you
  • St. Vincent de Paul /Journey to Housing
  • Partnership for the Arts & Humanities / Adapive Creative Expression program
  • Plymouth Canton Literacy Council
  • P-CCS Clothing Bank
  • Salvation Army Summer Day Camp Scholarship program

Many thanks to Jane and her dedicated committee for reviewing the applications and making these decisions. We should be proud knowing how much assistance we are providing for these organizations; helping them reach their goals. Well done!

During dessert Katie Montes, the director of Mary's Mantle, gave us a presentation about the charity and what does it does for the community. Mary's Mantle provides housing for homeless, pregnant women in crisis. They currently operate a home where they can house four ladies at a time. The women stay during their pregnancy and receive support services during and after the birth of their children. Mary's Mantle is hoping to grow its facilities and is currently researching local property for their needs. I invite you to look them up on the website to find out more about this great place and its people.

Thank you everyone who supported Mary's Mantle through our Pass the Purse. We raised over $1000. Great job, Ladies!!

The last item of business for the evening was to introduce and welcome the new Giving Hope, Wome's Giving Circle Advisory Board members! Our new Chairwoman is Karen Hanchett, and new Treasurer is Jackie Josey. Thank you, ladies for stepping up to serve in these important positions to ensure the future success and legacy of our Circle. The Advisory Board is still in need of at least two additional members to join the board. The roles of Vice Chir and Membership need to be filled. Please consider joining the board and being a part of this great group dedicated to directing and doing the important work of Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle!


Thank you!

I would like to say thank you to the Advisory Board and all the members of Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle to honor and opportunity to work with you and over these past years. I was nervous about becoming Chairwoman but all of you made the experience a wonderful learning opportunity on so many unexpected levels - the one I will always treasure!

From our first and greatly productive board meetings, to the necessary online meetings and zoom event gatherings, to my silly event videos, to our back to in-person gatherings....and all those moments in between; it has been a blast!! Best of all, we made our Circle bigger and stonger together. And that is truly something to be proud of!

I also want to express my deep and sincere gratitude to our wonderful CCF/LIA support staff - Beth Meade, Darice Schubatis and Mili Tandon - for their support and assistance covering all our GH, WGC adminstrative needs. We really couldn't do any great work of Giving Hope without them!

In closing , I give my most sincere and heartfelt thanks to you all and my very best wishes for our amazing organization Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle! May it continue to succeed in its mission of assisting women, children and families in our local community and grow in its potential to gather and cultivate a strong circle of women philanthropists! Together we can reach these goals and Give Hope to all!

Linda Demmer

Former Chairwoman of Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle

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Red, White & Blue --& You!

Red, White & Blue --& You!

Giving Hope, Women’s Giving Circle June 14th Summer Social

Red, White & Blue --& You!

Our Summer Social celebrated Flag Day and supported the new VA Women’s Health Center. We had the privilege of listening to Rt. Brig. General Carol Ann Fausone and Cheryl Allen, manager of VA Women’s Health Center of Ann Arbor share their passion and concern for our women veterans and their specific health issues.

Rt. Brig. General Carol Ann has served our country for over 40 years as a US Air Force and National Guard Medical officer. Currently, she works at Legal Help for Veterans as the CFO (chief fix-it officer), helping to secure VA benefits for our veterans. She, along with her husband, has authored several veterans’ books. She generously donated several books which were part of our summer social drawing.

Through your generous donations Giving Hope was able to raise $ 1780 to help support the new VA Women’s Health Center along with the vital programs focused on women veterans. Your generosity will make a meaningful difference in the lives of our women veterans. Thank you so much for your generosity.

Our Giving Hope Summer Social was a time for enjoying friendships with women who share a passion for making a difference in our community. Our attendees indulged in a picnic-themed Summertime Grill Buffet at The Spoon’s Place in Canton, followed up with apple pie and brownies for dessert.

Special Thank you to Linda Demmer, who contacted Rt. Brig. General Carol Ann Fausone as our speaker for this event. She also donated the US Flag and patriotic basket for our drawing.

Thank you to The Spoons Place & staff for the hospitality.

As always thank you to our Special Events Committee who work to set up & clean up.

Thank you for being part of Giving Hope, Women’s Giving Circle!

Raeann Neil

Special Events Chair


Upcoming events:

Keep a look out for information on a small group event at Living & Learning Center in September.

Our next event is our Annual Business Meeting on Oct 18th at Rocky’s.

Mark your calendar for our Dixboro shopping event Nov 29th.

Giving Hope - Bubbly Bingo and Bling event update

Giving Hope - Bubbly Bingo and Bling event update

Giving Hope; Women’s Giving Circle

Vol.17 3rd edition

Hello Members and Friends! I am overwhelmed with gratitude as I write to you today! I want to express my most sincere thanks to everyone who attended our Bubbly, Bingo and Bling event supporting MOD Market on March 22!

We had 72 ladies register to attend and join us in our efforts to continue to “Give Hope” to this wondeful organization! The night was filled with fun: shopping, sipping and socializing! And what a treat for all of us to see our Giving Hope; Women’s Giving Circle Grant funds put into action in the soap making shop!! The MOD Market shop made almost $2,000 in sales that evening and there were additional donations made through Pass the Purse! If you missed the opportunity to donate during all the fun, the link to make a donation through Pass the Purse will remain active until Friday, March 31st.

We were also honored to welcome 3 new members to the Circle: Carole Allard, Jackie Jossey and Janet Brady. We are so glad you are part of our community of women philantropists!! If any other of you are interested in joining Giving Hope; Women’s Giving Circle or would just like more information, you may use the second code below to become a member or get better acquainted with our organization and mission!!

Planning ahead- we invite you to save the date for our next big event: A Red, White, Blue and YOU inside Summer Social picnic – June 14th at Spoons in Canton! Our event special guest speaker will be Retired Brigadier General Carol Ann Fausone and GH;WGC will be accepting Pass the Purse donations to support a Women’s Veterans program. Please watch for additional details coming by invitation in May!

Lastly, many Thanks to our Special Events Committee- Raeann Neil Chairwoman, for their tremendous efforts in coordinating our Bubbly, Bingo and Bling event- Red, White, Blue and You is sure to be as much fun!!

My sincere thanks again and very best wishes for warmer and many happy days this Spring!!

Linda Demmer

Giving Hope; Women’s Giving Circle Advisory Board Chairwoman

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Giving Hope Grant  Application 2023

Giving Hope Grant Application 2023

Giving Hope's 2023 Grant Cycle Is Open Now Through April 14, 2023!

Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle efforts are focused on helping in the local community, reaching and assisting women, children, and their families in need.

The members and patrons of Giving Hope have granted more than $100,000 to local organizations that serve women and families in need since its inception in 2006.

Grants will only be awarded to qualifying 501(c)3 organizations serving women and children in Western Wayne County.

If you have questions with application process please contact Beth at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 734-495-1200.

Click here to fill out the application


Giving Hope Grant Making Principles:
 - To benefit women and their families.
 - To encourage programs which are collaborative, comprehensive and have the potential to be continuous.
 - To encourage leveraging and matching grant opportunities from multiple funders.
 - To support "seed" money opportunities for innovative projects.
 - To encourage the self-sufficiency and well-being of women and their families.

Applicant Organization Criteria:
 - Must be a nonprofit 501(c)3 with a current State of Michigan license to solicit, if applicable.
 - Must meet the mission of Giving Hope.
 - Must have a specific project or program for which the funding is being requested.
 - Must have clear objectives.

What Giving Hope Will (Generally) Not Fund:
While Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle remains flexible in trying to meet community needs, the following are areas that will generally not be considered for funding at this time:
 - Routine operating expenses
 - Travel, tours or trips
 - Endowment campaigns
 - Special fundraising events and sponsorships
 - Organizations that do not provide services to the greater Canton and Plymouth, Michigan area
 - Religious organizations for religious purposes or political organizations
 - Existing obligations or debts/liabilities
 - Individuals
 - Issues that divide us, not unite us

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