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Giving Hope, Women's Giving Circle

Caring, Community, Connections

Giving Hope Christmas at Dixboro

We had a great turnout for our annual Dixboro shopping event, despite the roads being icy. We provided "Slippers for Mom" with several pairs of slippers as well as a cash donation from our members.

Thank you to Brenda, the owner of Dixboro General Store, for always being so generous with our group.

Thanks also to all the volunteers who helped greet our guests, serve cookies and wine and stuck around to help clean up.

Thank you also Raeann and her special events committee. They did a great job once again supplying us with cookies, wine and water.


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Giving Hope uses the beautiful blue velvet purse pictured here for our "Pass the Purse" charity collections. Our "Purse" is set out at each event and guests are invited to place donations into the purse to support the organization or cause designated for the event. Donors like you have contributed more than $20,000 to deserving organizations and causes through "Pass the Purse".

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